papadimitriouDr. Sofia Papadimitriou has studied Mathematics and Computer Science (M.Sc) in the Athens National University. Her PhD entitled “The role of tutor-counsellor and the development of his supporting mechanism in a collaborative learning environment in distance education” regards in the field of Open and Distance Learning in Higher Education and has been developed in the School of Humanities at the Hellenic Open University.
She has been an ICT Secondary teacher since 1990 and also an educator in ICT training courses for primary and secondary teachers. She has been working in the Educational Radio-Television, since September 2007 coordinating its Social and Digital Media and she is the Head of the unit since 2015. Furthermore, she has coordinated 5 working groups in the Educational RadioTelevision for the European projects: EduTubePlus, MEDEAnet, March (MAke science Real in sCHools). Sofia has also participated in the “Energy-bits”, a cross media European project distributed in Television and the Web. Plus, she has participated at the development of the “Photodentro/Educational Video” which is the Greek Educational Video Repository for primary and secondary education, designed and developed by CTI Diophantus in the framework of the “Digital School”.