Young European Federalists is a political movement with branches and activities in all European countries, including non-member states of the EU. It is an organization of young people without partisan orientation or political commitments and our value is dialogue instead of conflict: thus we participate in activities with other organizations, without necessarily being bound by them. Our aim is to promote the debate on the idea of a European Federation and the ideals of peace, democracy and international cooperation in Europe and the world. We want a management model with easy access by citizens in decision-making and democratic legitimacy in any decision, where any decision yet taken at the most appropriate level. The basis of our logic is the failure of nation-states to meet the needs of citizens with transparency and efficiency and to highlight problems that require transnational, regional or international administration, such as environmental protection, the promotion of human rights, fostering innovation and the role of international trade, while inspired by the writings of Kant, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi and Spinelli among others.