Enhancing the Intercultural skills and European values in the European Youth through European projects: the case of the Jean Monnet Program IncludU
Educational programs have been widely accepted as one of the most efficient means for the cultivation of democratic and multicultural competences in pupils and students. Besides, the refugee crisis in Europe has accentuated the need for the reinforcement of the European fundamental values and intercultural skills in the European societies. This study aims at examining and measuring the efficiency of the implementation of European funded projects in schools on the awareness of pupils of European fundamental values and on the amelioration of their intercultural skills. In the framework of the Jean Monnet Project IncludU, the research measured the efficacy of educational programs in promoting social cohesion, equality, mutual understanding and inclusion (Council Recommendations 2018, European Commission 2017, Paris Declaration 2015). Through the use of statistical analysis, this research documents and evaluates the performance of Jean Monnet Project IncludU on the advancement of European values and the reinforcement the intercultural skills of the participants.