The Academic Coordinator requested from the teachers from the participating schools to provide recommendations for proposals for policy makers regarding the introduction of the subject of European Studies in the secondary general and vocational curricula which will be drafted and forwarded to the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.
Their recommendations are the following:
• Incorporation of interactive and artistic activities on European issues to the teaching curricula in secondary education in relevant courses like European history and culture.
• Inclusion of European interdisciplinary projects as well as extra new courses relevant to EU could be a proper way for the introduction of Lyceum Students to EU issues.
• Re-organisation of the teaching material and methodology based on a common European educational framework for the incorporation of subjects, chapters, books and courses of political science and European studies.
• Design of extra-curriculum activities to boost the social and intercultural skills of the pupils should be integrated to the common European educational framework.
• Training of the teachers on the value, the methodology and the material of the European studies is indispensable for the adequate introduction of EU issues in education.